One of the key tasks of a DBA is to maintain the database indexes and make sure they are not fragmented. You can use a sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats in a script to rebuild or reorganize indexes based on fragmentation. However, sometimes we may need to rebuild all indexes on all tables in the database, especially if you have to change any index property such as fill factor, compression, etc.
For this task, I wrote a following script that accepts parameters to change the properties of the indexes, and dynamically generate and execute ALTER INDEX statements. This script is compatible with SQL Server 2005 and above versions.
Here is this script:
--/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Arguments Data Type Description -------------- ------------ ------------ --@FillFactor [int] Specifies a percentage that indicates how full the Database Engine should make the leaf level -- of each index page during index creation or alteration. The valid inputs for this parameter -- must be an integer value from 1 to 100 The default is 0. -- For more information, see --@PadIndex [varchar](3) Specifies index padding. The PAD_INDEX option is useful only when FILLFACTOR is specified, -- because PAD_INDEX uses the percentage specified by FILLFACTOR. If the percentage specified -- for FILLFACTOR is not large enough to allow for one row, the Database Engine internally -- overrides the percentage to allow for the minimum. The number of rows on an intermediate -- index page is never less than two, regardless of how low the value of fillfactor. The valid -- inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF. The default is OFF. -- For more information, see --@SortInTempDB [varchar](3) Specifies whether to store temporary sort results in tempdb. The valid inputs for this -- parameter are ON or OFF. The default is OFF. -- For more information, see --@OnlineRebuild [varchar](3) Specifies whether underlying tables and associated indexes are available for queries and data -- modification during the index operation. The valid inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF. -- The default is OFF. -- Note: Online index operations are only available in Enterprise edition of Microsoft -- SQL Server 2005 and above. -- For more information, see --@DataCompression [varchar](4) Specifies the data compression option for the specified index, partition number, or range of -- partitions. The options for this parameter are as follows: -- > NONE - Index or specified partitions are not compressed. -- > ROW - Index or specified partitions are compressed by using row compression. -- > PAGE - Index or specified partitions are compressed by using page compression. -- The default is NONE. -- Note: Data compression feature is only available in Enterprise edition of Microsoft -- SQL Server 2005 and above. -- For more information about compression, see --@MaxDOP [int] Overrides the max degree of parallelism configuration option for the duration of the index -- operation. The valid input for this parameter can be between 0 and 64, but should not exceed -- number of processors available to SQL Server. -- For more information, see --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/ -- Ensure a USE <databasename> statement has been executed first. SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @Version [numeric] (18, 10) ,@SQLStatementID [int] ,@CurrentTSQLToExecute [nvarchar](max) ,@FillFactor [int] = 100 -- Change if needed ,@PadIndex [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed ,@SortInTempDB [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed ,@OnlineRebuild [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed ,@LOBCompaction [varchar](3) = N'ON' -- Change if needed ,@DataCompression [varchar](4) = N'NONE' -- Change if needed ,@MaxDOP [int] = NULL -- Change if needed ,@IncludeDataCompressionArgument [char](1); IF OBJECT_ID(N'TempDb.dbo.#Work_To_Do') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Work_To_Do CREATE TABLE #Work_To_Do ( [sql_id] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY , [tsql_text] [varchar](1024) , [completed] [bit] ) SET @Version = CAST(LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)), CHARINDEX('.', CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128))) - 1) + N'.' + REPLACE(RIGHT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)), LEN(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128))) - CHARINDEX('.', CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)))), N'.', N'') AS [numeric](18, 10)) IF @DataCompression IN (N'PAGE', N'ROW', N'NONE') AND ( @Version >= 10.0 AND SERVERPROPERTY(N'EngineEdition') = 3 ) BEGIN SET @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'Y' END IF @IncludeDataCompressionArgument IS NULL BEGIN SET @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'N' END INSERT INTO #Work_To_Do ([tsql_text], [completed]) SELECT 'ALTER INDEX [' + i.[name] + '] ON' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(t2.[TABLE_CATALOG]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(t2.[TABLE_SCHEMA]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(t2.[TABLE_NAME]) + SPACE(1) + 'REBUILD WITH (' + SPACE(1) + + CASE WHEN @PadIndex IS NULL THEN 'PAD_INDEX =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[is_padded] WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' END ELSE 'PAD_INDEX =' + SPACE(1) + @PadIndex END + CASE WHEN @FillFactor IS NULL THEN ', FILLFACTOR =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](3), REPLACE(i.[fill_factor], 0, 100)) ELSE ', FILLFACTOR =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](3), @FillFactor) END + CASE WHEN @SortInTempDB IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ', SORT_IN_TEMPDB =' + SPACE(1) + @SortInTempDB END + CASE WHEN @OnlineRebuild IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ', ONLINE =' + SPACE(1) + @OnlineRebuild END + ', STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE =' + SPACE(1) + CASE st.[no_recompute] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END + ', ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[allow_row_locks] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END + ', ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[allow_page_locks] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END + CASE WHEN @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'Y' THEN CASE WHEN @DataCompression IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ', DATA_COMPRESSION =' + SPACE(1) + @DataCompression END ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @MaxDop IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ', MAXDOP =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](2), @MaxDOP) END + SPACE(1) + ')' ,0 FROM [sys].[tables] t1 INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON t1.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND i.[index_id] > 0 AND i.[type] IN (1, 2) INNER JOIN [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES] t2 ON t1.[name] = t2.[TABLE_NAME] AND t2.[TABLE_TYPE] = 'BASE TABLE' INNER JOIN [sys].[stats] AS st WITH (NOLOCK) ON st.[object_id] = t1.[object_id] AND st.[name] = i.[name] SELECT @SQLStatementID = MIN([sql_id]) FROM #Work_To_Do WHERE [completed] = 0 WHILE @SQLStatementID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @CurrentTSQLToExecute = [tsql_text] FROM #Work_To_Do WHERE [sql_id] = @SQLStatementID PRINT @CurrentTSQLToExecute EXEC [sys].[sp_executesql] @CurrentTSQLToExecute UPDATE #Work_To_Do SET [completed] = 1 WHERE [sql_id] = @SQLStatementID SELECT @SQLStatementID = MIN([sql_id]) FROM #Work_To_Do WHERE [completed] = 0 END