In my previous post here, I’ve discussed how we can detect fragmentation in SQL Server databases indexes using dynamic management view function sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats. In this post, I’m sharing my stored procedure which I’ve created a while ago to rebuild fragmented indexes based on the fragmentation level. This stored procedure is based on sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats and resides in master database. This procedure automatically rebuilds indexes if the fragmentation level is above 30% and reorganises indexes if fragmentation is less than 30%.
Code for the procedure is as follow:
USE [master] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_RebuildIndex] @FragmentationLevel [int] = 30 ,@SortInTempDB [varchar] (8) = 'OFF' ,@Online [varchar] (8) = 'OFF' ,@LOBCompaction [varchar] (8) = 'ON' ,@ScanMode [varchar] (16) = 'DETAILED' ,@MinRowsInTable [int] = 1000 --Stored Procedure: [dbo].[sp_RebuildIndex] --Author: Basit A. Farooq --Version #: v1.0.0 --******************** -- Purpose/Comments --******************** --Stored procedure to rebuild the indexes of database. --Indexes will be rebuild based on fragmentation criteria and scan mode. AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; --*********** --Parameters --*********** --@FragmentationLevel [int] --Specifies index fragementation level search criteria. --@SortInTempDB [varchar](8) --Specifies whether to store the sort results in tempdb. The default is OFF. --@LOBCompaction [varchar](8) --Specifies that all pages that contain large object (LOB) data are compacted. --The default is ON --@Online [varchar](8) --Specifies whether underlying tables and associated indexes are available for queries and --data modification during the index operation. The default is OFF. --@ScanMode [varchar](16) Is the name of the mode. --@ScanMode specifies the scan level that is used to obtain statistics. --Valid inputs are DEFAULT, NULL, LIMITED, SAMPLED or DETAILED. --The default (NULL) is LIMITED. --The DETAILED mode scans all pages and returns all statistics. --The SAMPLED mode returns statistics based on a 1 percent sample of all the pages --in the index or heap. The modes are progressivelyslower from LIMITED to DETAILED, --because more work is performed in each mode. --@MinRowsInTable [int] --Specifies minimum rows in table for search criteria. --******** --Usage --******** --EXEC [<Database_Name>].[dbo].[sp_RebuildIndex] --EXEC [<Database_Name>].[dbo].[sp_RebuildIndex] 30, 'OFF', 'OFF', 'ON', 'LIMITED', 10 DECLARE @StatementID [int] ,@SQLStatement [varchar] (max) ,@ErrorText [varchar] (256) ,@SQLProcedureName [varchar] (64) SET @SQLProcedureName = 'sRebuildIndex' BEGIN TRY --Validating store procedure parameters SET @ErrorText = 'Invalid argument was supplied for @FragementationLevel parameter.' + ' Valid inputs for this parameter should be in the between 1 and 100' IF @FragmentationLevel NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 100 BEGIN RAISERROR ( @ErrorText ,11 ,1 ,@FragmentationLevel ) END SET @ErrorText = 'Invalid argument was supplied for @SortInTempDB parameter.' + ' Valid inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF.' IF @SortInTempDB != 'ON' AND @SortInTempDB != 'OFF' BEGIN RAISERROR ( @ErrorText ,11 ,1 ,@SortInTempDB ) END SET @ErrorText = 'Invalid argument was supplied for @LOBCompaction parameter.' + ' Valid inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF.' IF @LOBCompaction != 'ON' AND @LOBCompaction != 'OFF' BEGIN RAISERROR ( @ErrorText ,11 ,1 ,@LOBCompaction ) END SET @ErrorText = 'Invalid argument was supplied for @Online parameter.' + ' Valid inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF.' IF @Online != 'ON' AND @Online != 'OFF' BEGIN RAISERROR ( @ErrorText ,11 ,1 ,@Online ) END SET @ErrorText = 'Invalid argument was supplied for @ScanMode parameter.' + ' Valid inputs for this parameter are DEFAULT, NULL, LIMITED, SAMPLED or DETAILED.' IF @ScanMode != 'LIMITED' AND @ScanMode != 'NULL' AND @ScanMode != 'SAMPLED' AND @ScanMode != 'DETAILED' AND @ScanMode != 'DEFAULT' BEGIN RAISERROR ( @ErrorText ,11 ,1 ,@ScanMode ) END SET @ErrorText = 'Invalid argument was supplied for @MinRowsInTable parameter.' + ' Valid inputs for this parameter should be in the between 1 and 1000000000000000' IF @MinRowsInTable NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 1000000000000000 BEGIN RAISERROR ( @ErrorText ,11 ,1 ,@MinRowsInTable ) END --Creating temporary tables. IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#SQLStatementsStore') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SQLStatementsStore CREATE TABLE #SQLStatementsStore ( [SQLStatementID] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) ,[SQLstatement] [varchar](1024) ) IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#PartitionTables ') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #PartitionTables CREATE TABLE #PartitionTables ( [ObjectId] [int] ,[SchemaId] [int] ,[TableName] [varchar](512) ) IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Tables') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Tables CREATE TABLE #Tables ( [ObjectId] [int] ,[SchemaId] [int] ,[TableName] [varchar](512) ) IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Index_Physical_Stats') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Index_Physical_Stats CREATE TABLE #Index_Physical_Stats ( [ObjectId] [int] NOT NULL ,[TableName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL ,[IndexId] [int] NOT NULL ,[IndexName] [varchar](500) NOT NULL ,[IndexPartitionNumber] [int] NOT NULL ,[IndexType] [varchar](500) NOT NULL ,[PadIndex] [varchar](256) NOT NULL ,[IndexFillFactor] [int] NOT NULL ,[StatisticsNoRecompute] [varchar](256) NOT NULL ,[IgnoreDuplicateKey] [varchar](256) NOT NULL ,[AllowRowLocks] [varchar](256) NOT NULL ,[AllowPageLocks] [varchar](256) NOT NULL ,[AvgFragmentationInPercent] [float] NOT NULL ,[CountRows] [int] NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO #PartitionTables ( [ObjectId] ,[SchemaId] ,[TableName] ) SELECT DISTINCT t.[object_id] ,t.[schema_id] ,t.[name] FROM [sys].[partitions] p INNER JOIN [sys].[tables] t ON t.[object_id] = p.[object_id] AND p.[partition_number] > 1 INSERT INTO #Tables ( [ObjectId] ,[SchemaId] ,[TableName] ) SELECT t.[object_id] ,t.[schema_id] ,t.[name] FROM [sys].[tables] t WHERE t.[name] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT IN ( SELECT [TableName] FROM #PartitionTables ) INSERT INTO #Index_Physical_Stats ( [ObjectId] ,[TableName] ,[IndexId] ,[IndexName] ,[IndexPartitionNumber] ,[IndexType] ,[PadIndex] ,[IndexFillFactor] ,[StatisticsNoRecompute] ,[IgnoreDuplicateKey] ,[AllowRowLocks] ,[AllowPageLocks] ,[AvgFragmentationInPercent] ,[CountRows] ) SELECT dm.[object_id] ,DB_NAME(DB_ID()) + '.' + s.[name] + '.' + o.[name] ,dm.[index_id] ,i.[name] ,dm.[partition_number] ,dm.[index_type_desc] ,[pad_index] = CASE i.[is_padded] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END ,i.[fill_factor] ,[statistics_norecompute] = CASE st.[no_recompute] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END ,[ignore_dup_key] = CASE i.[ignore_dup_key] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END ,[allow_row_locks] = CASE i.[allow_row_locks] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END ,[allow_page_locks] = CASE i.[allow_page_locks] WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' END ,dm.[avg_fragmentation_in_percent] ,p.[rows] FROM [sys].[objects] o INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON o.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND i.NAME <> 'NULL' INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats](DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, @ScanMode) dm ON i.[object_id] = dm.[object_id] AND i.[index_id] = dm.[index_id] AND dm.[avg_fragmentation_in_percent] >= 5 INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] s ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id] INNER JOIN [sys].[stats] st ON i.[name] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = st.[name] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND o.[object_id] = st.[object_id] AND o.[type] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = 'U' INNER JOIN [sys].[partitions] p ON i.[index_id] = p.[index_id] AND o.[object_id] = p.[object_id] AND p.[rows] > @MinRowsInTable --Changing the fillfactor to 100 where fillfactor is 0 UPDATE #Index_Physical_Stats SET IndexFillFactor = 100 WHERE IndexFillFactor = 0 -- Building quries to re-build partiton tables indexes partitions with -- fragmentation over 30 percent... INSERT INTO #SQLStatementsStore (SQLstatement) SELECT 'ALTER INDEX [' + i.[name] + '] ON ' + DB_NAME(DB_ID()) + '.' + s.[name] + '.' + pt.[TableName] + ' ' + 'REBUILD PARTITION = ' + CONVERT([varchar](10), ips.[IndexPartitionNumber]) FROM #PartitionTables pt INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON pt.[ObjectId] = i.[object_id] AND i.NAME COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS <> 'NULL' INNER JOIN #Index_Physical_Stats ips ON pt.[ObjectId] = ips.[ObjectId] AND i.[index_id] = ips.[IndexId] AND ips.[AvgFragmentationInPercent] > @FragmentationLevel INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] s ON pt.[SchemaId] = s.[schema_id] -- Building quries to re-build non-partiton tables indexes with -- fragmentation over 30 percent... INSERT INTO #SQLStatementsStore (SQLstatement) SELECT 'ALTER INDEX [' + i.[name] + '] ON ' + DB_NAME(DB_ID()) + '.' + s.[name] + '.' + t.[TableName] + ' ' + 'REBUILD WITH (' + ' PAD_INDEX = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), ips.[PadIndex]) + ', FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), ips.[IndexFillFactor]) + ', SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), @SortInTempDB) + ', STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), ips.[StatisticsNoRecompute]) + ', ONLINE = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), @Online) + ', ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), ips.[AllowRowLocks]) + ', ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), ips.[AllowPageLocks]) + ' )' FROM #Tables t INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON t.[ObjectId] = i.[object_id] AND i.NAME COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS <> 'NULL' INNER JOIN #Index_Physical_Stats ips ON t.[ObjectId] = ips.[ObjectId] AND i.[index_id] = ips.[IndexId] AND ips.[AvgFragmentationInPercent] > @FragmentationLevel INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] s ON t.[SchemaId] = s.[schema_id] -- Building quries to re-organise partiton tables indexes partitions with -- fragmentation between 5 and 30 percent... INSERT INTO #SQLStatementsStore (SQLstatement) SELECT 'ALTER INDEX [' + i.[name] + '] ON ' + DB_NAME(DB_ID()) + '.' + s.[name] + '.' + pt.[TableName] + ' ' + 'REORGANIZE PARTITION = ' + CONVERT([varchar](8), ips.[IndexPartitionNumber]) FROM #PartitionTables pt INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON pt.[ObjectId] = i.[object_id] AND i.NAME COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS <> 'NULL' INNER JOIN #Index_Physical_Stats ips ON pt.[ObjectId] = ips.[ObjectId] AND i.[index_id] = ips.[IndexId] AND ips.[AvgFragmentationInPercent] BETWEEN 5 AND @FragmentationLevel INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] s ON pt.[SchemaId] = s.[schema_id] -- Building quries to re-build non-partiton tables indexes with -- fragmentation between 5 and 30 percent... INSERT INTO #SQLStatementsStore (SQLstatement) SELECT 'ALTER INDEX [' + i.[name] + '] ON ' + DB_NAME(DB_ID()) + '.' + s.[name] + '.' + t.[TableName] + ' ' + 'REORGANIZE WITH ( LOB_COMPACTION = ' + @LOBCompaction + ' )' AS 'query' FROM #Tables t INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON t.[ObjectId] = i.[object_id] AND i.NAME COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS <> 'NULL' INNER JOIN #Index_Physical_Stats ips ON t.[ObjectId] = ips.[ObjectId] AND i.[index_id] = ips.[IndexId] AND ips.[AvgFragmentationInPercent] BETWEEN 5 AND @FragmentationLevel INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] s ON t.[SchemaId] = s.[schema_id] SELECT @StatementID = MIN(SQLStatementID) FROM #SQLStatementsStore WHILE @StatementID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @SQLStatement = SQLstatement FROM #SQLStatementsStore WHERE SQLStatementID = @StatementID PRINT 'Executing...[' + @SQLStatement + '].' EXEC (@SQLStatement) DELETE FROM #SQLStatementsStore WHERE SQLStatementID = @StatementID SELECT @StatementID = MIN(SQLStatementID) FROM #SQLStatementsStore END SELECT [ObjectId] ,[TableName] ,[IndexId] ,[IndexName] ,[IndexPartitionNumber] ,[IndexType] ,[PadIndex] ,[IndexFillFactor] ,[StatisticsNoRecompute] ,[IgnoreDuplicateKey] ,[AllowRowLocks] ,[AllowPageLocks] ,[AvgFragmentationInPercent] ,[CountRows] FROM #Index_Physical_Stats IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#SQLStatementsStore') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SQLStatementsStore IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#PartitionTables ') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #PartitionTables IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Tables') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Tables IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Index_Physical_Stats') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Index_Physical_Stats END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() ,ERROR_SEVERITY() ,ERROR_STATE() ,ISNULL(ERROR_PROCEDURE(), @SQLProcedureName) ,ERROR_LINE() ,ERROR_MESSAGE() END CATCH END GO
Mark this procedure as system object by executing the following command so that this procedure can be accessed from any database:
USE [master] GO EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_RebuildIndex; GO
In the next version, I will add a logging feature so that you can see what indexes were defragmented, see how bad the fragmentation was, and perhaps do some trending on the data.
Let me know, if you find a bug or want me add any other feature.